Part 2
Describe a difficult decision that you once made.
You should say
- What the decision was
- When you made the decision
- How long did it take you to make the decision
- And explain why it was a difficult decision
Sample Answer

In my opinion, we all have faced some situations when we have to take a decision that may change the course of our lives.
And these decisions are very critical as we regret afterwards if we take a wrong decision.
But, as per my experience, we need to trust our intuition. Because there is some kind of inner-compass that guides our path and leads us towards good things.

Having said that, I must say that sometimes, we can’t rely on intuitions.
Decisions about career, life-partner, and education require us to base our judgments on proper research and past experiences.
For me, choosing a school for my young girl was a very tough decision.
Next month, she will turn 6. Currently she is studying at Swastik English Medium school , which is a prestigious educational institution in my city.
But, it was not an easy task to choose this school for my daughter.
There were other schools that had the same prestige as this one.
Some schools were offering more extra-curricular activities , while some were offering facilities like free school-bus service, free meals , and free school stationery.
This Swastik school offered none of these services. On top of that, the annual fee was quite higher than the other schools.
And it was the admission-season, there were other parents who were trying their best to get their kids into this Swastik school, even though the fees were very high.
Thankfully, one of the trustees of the school was my father’s friend. But he gave us an ultimatum that we didn’t have more than a week to decide.
As there were others who were also approaching him for the same place.
Of course, a week is a very long time for such matters. But sometimes it is hardly enough to arrive at a decision.
So we had seven days to do some research. Instead of finding information on the internet, we approached several parents whose kids were studying in different schools.
They all had their own opinions. But one thing they all agreed that the Swastik English School is the best school, regardless of its high fees and lack of free services.
Now, we were in a dilemma. Choosing Swastik school was an expensive option, and choosing some other school was a compromise with the quality of education.
We are a middle-class family, so we usually go with the cheaper options.
But, this was about the education of my daughter.
So we wanted to choose the best option. And we decided to select the Swastik English Medium School for my daughter.
And today I am very proud of my decision, as my daughter is enjoying the friendly atmosphere of this school , and she is taking an active interest in studies as well as co-curricular activities, thanks to the teachers of this school.
Part 3
What decisions do people generally make in their daily life?
Our every daily activity is a result of some decisions we have taken, consciously or unconsciously.
For example, we use products such as toothpaste, soaps, hair-oils, and other consumer goods. There are myriad products available in the market, but we choose the ones that we think are right for us. This is simply a decision making activity.
Likewise, we watch TV or YouTube videos. We all watch programs that we find interesting. And we ignore the ones that are boring. This is also an example of decision making.
And the best one is this. On any holiday, we urge the woman of the house to cook some special dish for us. And then we all family members arrive at a decision about what delicacies should be made on that day.
Which is easier, making a decision by oneself or making a decision after a group discussion?
It all depends upon the matter that is under consideration. If it is concerning an individual then the decision should be taken by that individual.
But, when an entire group is going to be affected by the decision then it must be a group decision.
To simplify it, there is some problem with the water pipeline in a housing colony and that needs to be replaced. In this case, each member of the colony should be involved in the decision about what new materials should be used to replace the old pipeline.
Whereas, there are some plumbing ( hear pronunciation of plumbing here) problems in a particular house of that colony, then the house owner should decide what to do about it.
Why are many young people unwilling to listen to their parents’ advice?
Yes, many young people don’t heed their parents’ advice.
In my opinion, the most common reason is the impatience of the youth.
And there is a generation gap between them and their parents.
Young people think that the old people are not progressive thinkers, and whenever these old people advise the young ones to exercise caution, young people consider it to be a restraining factor rather than a cautionary comment.
This type of misunderstanding leads the young people to ignore their parents’ advice.
Why do middle-aged people tend to second guess their decision?
Middle-aged people are at the threshold of old age. They are neither imprudent like the young nor cautious like the old.
In their young age, they could make decisions without worrying about their outcomes.
But, now that age has passed. Yet, they are not too old to be indifferent to the future. So they second-guess their decisions because, for them, a lot many things depend upon these decisions.
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