Part 2
Describe an interesting neighbor
You should say:
- Who he/she is
- How you knew him/her
- What you do together
- And explain why he/she is interesting
Sample Answer

In this 21st century, the biggest threat to our society is the sense of loneliness we all feel every now and then.
Some argues that it is an inevitable thing. But, some believe that there is always a way out of this situation of aloneness.
In his speech at the graduation ceremony of our college, author John Simpson talked about this terrible feeling of loneliness that we were going to face outside the college campus.
At the same time, he offered a brilliant piece of advice. He reminded us of the message of Bible which tells us to ‘Love Thy Neighbor’.
He told us to get friendly with our next-door neighbors. His idea was to develop a friendly neighborhood that can be a support system to each person living in it.
As happens with all the graduation speeches, I had completely forgotten about that advice when I moved to the house where I am currently living.
I was living on my own terms and I wanted little or no interference from my family members.
It was going well until this corona pandemic happened.
Now, everyone was isolating himself from every other person except his close family members.
Then I really grew tired of this alienation of the community after a few week of the lockdown.
Then one day, as per our routine we all came out to our balconies to clap for our corona warriors (doctors and scientists).
At that time I noticed for the first time that there is a guitarist who is living next door.
After the clapping session ended, he started singing a patriotic song on his guitar. And for a while the whole atmosphere was charged with patriotic fervor.
I was quite impressed by his guitar skills and his mellifluous voice.
I waved to him and gave him a thumbs up once his performance was over.
We could not meet each other in person but we exchanged our phone numbers. His name is Suresh Patel. And we became friends on Facebook just after our first telephonic conversation.
Suresh and I would share our favorite movie songs with each other through our Facebook chats. It was quite surprising to see Suresh’s guitar collection when we did video calling via Skype.
I must acknowledge his role in initiating me into the art of guitar playing. I bought an acoustic guitar from an online music shop.
And Suresh and I had our weekly guitar sessions via Skype where he taught me a lot about guitar playing.
Initially it was a very difficult thing for me. But, then I started making progress and I learned many Indian movie songs that I could play like an amateur guitar player.
After the lockdown was over, we started our in-person guitar classes. I would go to his house and he would give me his electric guitar to play.
His presence was a real godsend as he dispelled all the gloom of the pandemic and made me do some creative things that I would not have done if he were not there.
Part 3
Do you think people are familiar with their neighbors?
In big cities, the scenario is quite worrisome. People living in luxurious apartments hardly talk to their next-door neighbors.
In the old residential complexes, there is indeed some bonhomie amongst people living in close proximity to each other.
But, after lockdown , people now seem to be coming closer to each other and they consider their neighbors as their family members.
How can people improve the relationship with neighbors in a community?
The best thing people can do to make stronger relationships with their neighbors is to understand and respect each other’s view points.
If people sympathize with their neighbors, then there is a possibility of harmonious relationship between them.
One should avoid the matters that causes conflicts with one’s neighbor. Instead, there should be a common ground of shared interests that can bring two neighbors together. It could be anything. Sports, cinema, literature, travel, gardening, and so on.
How do children build relationships with others in a community?
Children are expert at forging strong relationships with their playmates.
Their way of dealing with others is not tainted by some selfish motives. And their innocence disarms not just other kids but also their elders.
If we closely observe their childish games, then we realize that each child in a group tries his best to accommodate himself in the group and develop a team spirit.
And it’s not that they don’t fight with each other. But, they don’t bear any grudges. They easily forget the past and that is why they can maintain good relationships with whoever comes in contact with them.
Is it beneficial to get along well with neighbors?
Of course, it is quite essential to have good relationships with our neighbors. As they are the first ones who can come to our rescue in the moments of crisis.
And if we talk about happy moments, if we don’t have friendly neighbors, then who would be there with whom we can share our joys.
People suffer from loneliness because they are not on talking terms with their neighbors. And this adversely affect their mental health too. To avoid this, one should be more friendly towards one’s neighbors rather than becoming someone who always remains self-absorbed.
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cover Image by Hatice EROL from Pixabay